Darien Summer School & Enrichment

Sports & Arts (Please see "Sports Plus" and "Art Workshop")

kids with art

For students entering grades 1-5

This class is no longer being offered. 

Sports and Arts Camp has been reimagined! 


The program is now customizable according to students' interests.  Students can register for individual sessions of sports and individual sessions of art separately. Both sports and arts will be offered from 8:30am-10:30am and 10:30am-12:30pm so that students can register for both sports & arts or align one (either sports OR arts) with a different class in our catalog. 


Look for "Sports Plus" and "Art Workshop" in our catalog to register for sports and arts fun! 

Link to Sports Plus and Art Workshop (the new Sports and Arts classes):  https://programs.dariensummerschool.com/CourseCatalog/searchAdvanced.asp?Action=Search&strTitle=sports+plus




Sports & Arts (Please see "Sports Plus" and "Art Workshop") (SP001 )
Sessions:  24
Dates:  6/24/2024 to 7/26/2024
Grades:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Note: Please call for pricing
Note: Registration has ended

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