Darien Summer School & Enrichment

Algebra I

Entering grades 8-12

This course provides the following: a review of the operations on positive and negative numbers; a review of the arithmetic of polynomials (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division); factoring, particularly of quadratics; solving quadratic equations by factoring and formula; linear equations of two variables; graphing; inequalities; and radicals.
Traditional Algebra I material is taught according to student needs.

*Students may take this course as a preview of the course, review of material before advancing to the next level, or for credit recovery. If a student is taking this class as credit recovery, this summer school course will award .5 (one semester) credit to those who successfully pass the course and attend at least 22 of the 24 days. This course does not cover a full year of Algebra 1 and may not be used for placement into the next sequential course.







Class Title Session(s) Dates & Times Instructor
Algebra I (M001) 24 6/24 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 8:30-10:30AM Hofmann