Darien Summer School & Enrichment

Foundations of Middle School Math

For students entering grades 6-8

This class will preview/review some of the key foundational topics taught during middle school. Topics include performing fraction and decimal operations; writing, interpreting, and using expressions; equations and inequalities; and ratios. Emphasis will be placed on further developing number sense and building a solid foundation for students as they transition to the middle school environment.

This is a great preview course for students entering Grade 6. Current middle school students who want to maintain, strengthen or develop their mathematical thinking during the summer are welcome. This course may not be used for placement purposes in Grade 6 math.

Tuition price includes a materials fee.




Class Title Session(s) Dates & Times Instructor
Foundations of Middle School Math (M425 A) 24 6/24 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 8:30-10:30AM Gartner