Darien Summer School & Enrichment

Mad Science - Camp Curiosity

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Entering Grades 1-6 (ages 7-12)

Course numbers S238A and S238B - Entering Grades 1-3

Course numbers S239A and S239B - Entering Grades 4-6

Camp Curiousity - Week of July 22

Curiosity takes center stage in this engaging journey of discovery and exploration! Put your mind in motion in our week of Making and Masterminding. Young innovators will roll up their sleeves and dive into the world of Experimental Design to bring inventive structures and solutions to life. We will work as design teams to brainstorm, design, and test prototypes to solve open-ended obstacles, experimenting with the forces that can hold our world together or send things tumbling! Imaginations will spark as we explore the ins and outs of engineering, then put our problem-solving skills to work to prepare and present their own inventions throughout the week.

Each camper will receive a Mad Science Lab Coat, goggles, Mad Science Patent Certification, and specially designed Take Homes to help extend learning at home.

**This camp is run by Mad Science staff members. 

Class Title Session(s) Dates & Times Instructor
Mad Science - Camp Curiosity (S238A Full Day Gr. 1-3) 5 7/22 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 9:30AM-3:30PM Mad Science
Mad Science - Camp Curiosity (S238B PM Gr. 1-3) 5 7/22 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 12:30-3:30PM Mad Science
Mad Science - Camp Curiosity (S239A Full Day Gr. 4-6) 5 7/22 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 9:30AM-3:30PM Mad Science
Mad Science - Camp Curiosity (S239B PM Gr. 4-6) 5 7/22 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 12:30-3:30PM Mad Science