Darien Summer School & Enrichment

Make Your Own Mosaic 

Entering grades 6-12

Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. The earliest known examples of mosaics made of different materials were found at a temple building in Ubaid, Mesopotamia, and are dated to the second half of 3nd millennium BCE! Today, Mosaic’s are still a powerful storytelling tool found on public walls and sculptures. Join Miss. Lashendock, former Darien High graduate and art teacher at Saxe in New Canaan, in creating your own unique mosaic to tell whatever story is important to you! Get the chance to use new, unique materials not always readily available in the classroom during the school year!


No class on July 4!

Class Title Session(s) Dates & Times Instructor
Make Your Own Mosaic (A104)  9 6/24 Mo., Tu., We., Th., Fr. 10:30AM-12:30PM Lashendock